The Cologne Baby Products Show in Germany has been held annually since 1960,and has a history over 60 years.As an important and well reputation platform for communication and display in the international baby products industry,each exhibition attracts all leading brands and organizations in the industry.Not only international brands,wholesalers,top agents,purchasing associations,etc...But also professional suppliers from all the world,is the best platform at baby and children product industry to development information,and explore new business opportunities.
Today,our team:SHIRAN ACCESSORIES,attend the K+J fair from 3rd,Sep to 5th,Sep,2024 at 11.2-H083,as a exhibitor,which was a chapter for us.From initially making diaper/maternity bags and kids bags/backpacks for brand Mayoral for several years,to today also supplying baby blankets,baby sleeping bags,baby soft toys and relevant baby and children textile products to other many reputation brands at this field,such as Mango new born/kids department,Pasito a Pasito,Babyshop,Nanan etc...We built advanced supplier chains at these products.We have the ability and confidence to provide our clients good products continually.
Our aim is to go deep into this field and build a win-win cooperation with our clients from all over the world.We commit to keep investing at this field and provide a one-stop solution for our clients.Concentrate on somethings we know,and do the same things in the world!